Mahmood Taseen Chowdhury
AmarStock is one of the leading stock market website that provides data to analyze companies listed in DSE both technically and fundamentally. It also offers short courses on Market Analysis facilitated by a pool of qualified trainers with high level of professionalism. I would highly recommend those courses to anyone looking to expand their knowledge in Investment Analysis and Management. I am looking forward to their new product “Market Guru” and I believe that it will contribute significantly in financial decision-making process. I wish AmarStock team the best in this new endeavor.
Director (Project Management) Development Design Consultants Ltd.

Md. Ashadul Al Mamun
To be honest, earlier I was only losing my capital in the stock Market. From a talk show on NTV I come to know about AmarStock and its various training program. Thereafter, I’ve completed here Free, Basic, Advanced TA course & Elliott Wave Principle Course; consequently these courses helped me to be confident on my trading strategy. Now, my portfolio turned into profitable from the previous losing one. I just subscribed to “Market Guru” and eagerly waiting for those Webinars. Many thanks to AmarStock & it’s organizers.