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৬ টি Technical Analysis Courses (From Basic to Advanced)

যথাযথ টেকনিক্যাল এবং ফান্ডামেন্টাল নলেজ ছাড়া যেকোনো শেয়ার বাজারে ট্রেডিং আপনার বিনিয়োগ ঝুঁকি বেশ বাড়িয়ে দেয়। আমরা আপনাকে দিচ্ছি এই বিষয়ে সবচাইতে সেরা ট্রেইনিং।

আমাদের Course Instructors রা DSE Training Academy তে Basic এবং Advanced Technical Analysis এর উপরে নিয়মিত course পরিচালনা করছেন।

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Market Update এর জন্য থাকছে Weekly Webinar

যারা সরাসরি পুজি বাজারের সাথে যুক্ত নন তাদের পক্ষে সার্বক্ষণিক পুজিবাজারের ট্রেন্ড এর সাথে থাকা সম্ভব হয়না।

সেকথা ভেবেই আমরা প্রতি সপ্তাহে এক ঘণ্টার একটি লাইভ ক্লাসের আয়োজন করেছি।

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নিজের শিক্ষাকে পরীক্ষা করার সুযোগ

ক্লাস্রুমের কোর্সের একটা খুব উল্লেখযোগ্য সমস্যা হচ্ছে সেখানে কোর্স শেষের পর পরবর্তীতে রিভিউ করার সুযোগ একেবারেই থাকেনা।

আমাদের সাপোর্ট টিমের ইমেইল সার্ভিস আপনাকে সারা বছর রিভিউ-এর আওতায় রাখবে।

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৬০ টি Technical Analysis Review এবং ৩৬ টি Custom Analysis

আপনি analysis করবেন, আমাদের ইমেইলে পাঠাবেন, আমরা আপনাকে feedback দিব ৪৮ ঘণ্টার মধ্যে

আপনার কোন একটা স্টক এর Technical View দরকার। আমরা বছরে এই রকম ৩৬টি analysis আপনাকে করে দিব।

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Mahmood Taseen Chowdhury

AmarStock is one of the leading stock market website that provides data to analyze companies listed in DSE both technically and fundamentally. It also offers short courses on Market Analysis facilitated by a pool of qualified trainers with high level of professionalism. I would highly recommend those courses to anyone looking to expand their knowledge in Investment Analysis and Management. I am looking forward to their new product “Market Guru” and I believe that it will contribute significantly in financial decision-making process. I wish AmarStock team the best in this new endeavor.

Director (Project Management) Development Design Consultants Ltd.

Md. Ashadul Al Mamun

To be honest, earlier I was only losing my capital in the stock Market. From a talk show on NTV I come to know about AmarStock and its various training program. Thereafter, I’ve completed here Free, Basic, Advanced TA course & Elliott Wave Principle Course; consequently these courses helped me to be confident on my trading strategy. Now, my portfolio turned into profitable from the previous losing one. I just subscribed to “Market Guru” and eagerly waiting for those Webinars. Many thanks to AmarStock & it’s organizers.

Merchandising Manager Padma Textiles Ltd.


Kawser Ahmed. Founder ExcelDemy. Technical Analysts. Excel Practitioners.

Kawser Ahmed

Khan Muhammad Kawser Ahmed (EEE, BUET) is an active investor in stock market from the year 2007. From 2010 to 2013, he successfully trained people on stock investing and Forex trading via his training institute InvestoPower. Then in 2014, he founded SOFTEKO, a software and content producer company. Under this brand, he is running where he publishes Excel tutorials and templates on Finance, Stock, Data Analysis, etc. He is working on a web application that will hugely benefit the stock traders of Bangladesh.

Engr. Md. Rukonuzzaman

Engr. Md. Rukonuzzaman, MBA(DU), MECON(DU), is with Amarstock since inception of the company as the ‘Head of Research’. He completed his graduation from Department of Civil Engineering, BUET. Later he completed MBA and Master in Economics(MECON) from University of Dhaka. He has diverse experience of working in different institutions of Bangladesh Capital Market such as Brokerage Firm, Asset management Company.

Mr. Rahmat Ullah

Mr. Rahmat Ullah has been instructing Elliott Wave Training classes for the last 3 years and still loves it with a passion.He is an Civil Engineer by training who completed his BSc. In Civil Engineering from BUET, worked in various govt. project since then. Also served at Care International for 12 years. Rahmat Ullah has often provided training on behalf of the IEB The Institute of Engineers Bangladesh) on technical and soft-skills topics. His philosophy is that everyone who invests in the DSE should research their holdings in the light of Technical Analysis and Elliot Wave specifically.